What Causes Peripheral Neuropathy?
Peripheral neuropathy results from damage to nerves located outside of your brain and spinal cord. These are known as your peripheral nerves. Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include weakness, pain, numbness, and tingling in the hands and feet. However, symptoms of peripheral neuropathy can affect the rest of your body as well. This condition can impact digestion, urination, circulation, and more.
If you believe that you are suffering from peripheral neuropathy, you are not alone. More than 20 million Americans suffer from peripheral neuropathy. This condition can be traced to a malfunction in your peripheral nervous system and could have 100s of different causes. Peripheral neuropathy can seriously inhibit your ability to lead a fulfilling life. With that being said, many proven techniques can be used to treat and even reverse this condition.
If you are suffering from peripheral neuropathy or have started noticing symptoms, we encourage you to contact Apex Chiropractic. Our top-rated chiropractic clinic in Colorado can help you find new ways to manage and treat and even reverse this peripheral neuropathy. We take a different approach to treating an array of muscle and nerve malfunctions and want to help you get your life back! Let our Board Certified Neuropathy team assist you now with an array of proven techniques and medication-free treatment alternatives. Contact us to learn more! Or, read on to gain a better understanding of peripheral neuropathy and its potential causes.
What May Cause Peripheral Neuropathy:
- Autoimmune disorders
- Diabetes
- Injuries and tissue damage
- Poor physical health and diet
- Alcoholism
- Smoking
- Tumors
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Vitamin deficiencies
- Medication
- Exposure to toxins or poisons
- Inherited or genetic disorders
- Illness or undiagnosed infections
- Any inflammation that causes pressure on nerves
Five Common Causes of Causes of Peripheral Neuropathy
As with many nervous system conditions, peripheral neuropathy can be caused by a few different factors. Since this condition impacts nerves in the brain and spinal area, certain underlying health conditions can have an impact on peripheral neuropathy and how severe it is in each individual case.
Essentially, peripheral neuropathy is a form of nerve damage. Generally, it is caused by an autoimmune disease. However, it can also be caused by infections, inherited disorders, tumors, bone marrow disorders, spinal problems and diabetes. Other diseases such as liver disease, kidney disease, connective tissue disorders, or hypothyroidism may also impact peripheral neuropathy.
About Autoimmune Disorders
Autoimmune diseases are conditions that cause your immune system to mistakenly attack your body and its internal systems, including the nerves. The autoimmune diseases known to cause or worsen peripheral neuropathy include lupus, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Jorgensen syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, or chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy and vasculitis.
1. Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis has been known to cause neuropathy. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that involves your immune system attacking your joints in places where your bones meet throughout your body. This can cause inflammation and be painful.
Rheumatoid arthritis impacts millions of people worldwide. Rheumatoid arthritis is sometimes complicated by peripheral neuropathy. This is because the swelling and irritation caused by rheumatoid arthritis may eventually lead to nerve damage.
2. Diabetes
Diabetes is another culprit to consider when looking for the cause of peripheral neuropathy. Diabetes can impact circulation and blood flow. It can also damage nerves, leading to the inability to feel pain, cold, hot, or touch in general. It is suspected that 60 to 70% of people who suffer from diabetes will eventually develop peripheral neuropathy in some form.
However, nerve damage from diabetes is not inevitable and many studies suggest that people with diabetes can reduce the risk of developing damage to their nervous systems by regulating blood sugar levels and working toward better health.
3. Neuro-Sjögren Syndrome
Jorgenson syndrome can manifest in many ways, with an array of associated neurological disorders. These include sensory ataxia neuropathy, multiple cranial neuropathy, autonomic neuropathy, and multiple mononeuropathies. This syndrome is an autoimmune disease. It is characterized by the dysfunction of your end exocrine glands. Other common symptoms include numbness, weakness, tingling, pain, and dry mouth.
4. Severe Thyroid Disorders
Severe untreated hypothyroidism can cause peripheral neuropathy in the long term. Although the association between these disorders is not entirely understood, it is known that hypothyroidism can cause fluid retention. This may result in tissue swelling and put pressure on your peripheral nerves. If this is the cause of your neuropathy the metabolic component will need to be addressed.
5. Injuries and Tissue Damage
Traumatic injuries may also cause peripheral neuropathy. Infections, metabolic problems, inherited issues, and exposure to toxins, are also thought to cause nerve damage that can extend throughout your peripheral systems. In fact, any condition that causes swelling, fluid retention, or damage to your nerves may lead to peripheral nerve damage at some point.
Other Possible Causes of Peripheral Neuropathy
Other causes of neuropathy may include alcoholism, poor diet, medications, vitamin deficiencies, or tumors. Tumors and cancerous growths (whether benign or malignant) can develop on nerves and cause pressure. Alcoholism can lead to poor nutrition and vitamin deficiencies that impact the way your nervous system functions.
Some medications, especially medications used to treat tumors, have been known to cause neuropathy. Finally, deficiencies of vitamin B1, B12, B6, and vitamin E may lead to or aggravate neuropathy. Vitamin E, niacin, and the vitamins listed above are crucial to nerve health and function.
Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy
The symptoms of peripheral neuropathy can vary depending on the underlying cause. Generally, this condition causes a loss of sensation or numbness. Tingling and pain are also possible symptoms. If you are experiencing the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, consult your physician. Then, contact our Colorado Chiropractic Clinic for help.
Peripheral neuropathy is often associated with:
- cramps
- pain
- muscle weakness
- muscle twitching
- loss of muscle and bone
- changes in the hair, skin or nails,
- numbness and loss of sensation in various body parts
- loss of balance or coordination.
What are some ways to treat peripheral neuropathy?
There are many treatments available for peripheral neuropathy. Exercise is one of the best ways to manage or even cure this condition. Regular exercise like walking or stretching is helpful. In fact, walking at least three times a week can reduce neuropathy pain and improve your muscular strength. Walking can also help you control your blood sugar levels. Gentle exercise routines like yoga and Tai Chi can also be helpful.
Another thing to do is quit smoking right away if you are experiencing tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. Smoking can cause an array of issues including circulatory problems. It can and will worsen peripheral neuropathy. If you smoke, many resources can help you quit. The Colorado QuitLine is one such resource. Nicotine gum, patches, or even flavored nicotine cellulose pouches have helped many people ditch smoking and switch to a better lifestyle.
Are there any non-invasive ways to treat peripheral neuropathy?
Yes, there are many ways to treat peripheral neuropathy non-invasively. Non-invasive neuropathy treatments are often incredibly effective and can help prevent the progression of this condition from all angles. Electromagnetic infrared therapy, electrostimulation, Advanced Metabolic Nutrition Therapy, and four-prong treatments can all be effective in managing and in most even reversing this condition altogether. Our clinic’s four-prong neuropathy treatment tackles symptoms at the source and is one of the only options to reverse peripheral neuropathy conditions altogether.
At Apex Chiropractic serving Boulder, Erie, Louisville, Westminster and Broomfield, we offer a range of protocols and cutting-edge treatments to help you resolve all types of neuropathy issues. We want to make sure that you have confidence in our process. So, to learn more contact our neuropathy clinic. After an extensive evaluation, we will give you all the information you need to proceed with confidence
Are you ready to start dealing with your peripheral neuropathy symptoms and lead a healthier lifestyle? Our comprehensive, proprietary neuropathy treatment programs utilize various state-of-the-art technologies to help you manage and even reverse this condition. Our team will work with you to optimize your bodily environment for healing. We will help you find ways to increase blood flow to your nerves and stimulate them for natural repair. Over time, we will work with you to decrease brain-based pain and eliminate peripheral neuropathy at the source.
Our exclusive treatments have helped countless patients and we can help you as well. All of this without any addictive medications or invasive surgeries. To learn more, contact Apex Chiropractic today. You can call us at (720) 328-1790 or click here to learn more!

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Apex Chiropractic believes in thriving through life, not suffering in it. We believe that the activities that we want to partake in do not only desire but are necessary, just as necessary as our daily activities. In order to thrive in life and not suffer, we have to be completely in tune with our bodies. Schedule your appointment with us, today.
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