Embrace a Healthier Lifestyle to Prevent or Lessen Pain of Peripheral Neuropathy
The best way to manage undesirable symptoms that often occur with peripheral neuropathy is to become dedicated to leading a healthier lifestyle. This involves making better daily choices with regards to diet, exercise, weight, sleep and many other components.
Many peripheral neuropathy sufferers prefer to utilize natural remedies wherever they can. Fortunately, there are many natural-based treatments and other remedies that may help.
Make Inspecting Your Feet & Legs for Injuries a Daily Task
Feet and lower leg exams should be meticulously performed every day. All wounds or injuries need to be addressed swiftly and details should be relayed to a healthcare provider if serious or if injuries don’t resolve quickly.
Increase Exercise to Improve Body Strength & Promote Healing Naturally
Regular exercise that incorporates aerobics, stretching and joint protective activities are terrific ways to improve body strength and promote natural healing. Exercise releases endorphins that naturally relieve pain and elevate mood.
Try Water Aerobics
Many diabetics and other peripheral nerve patients also have issues with their bones and joints too that can make strenuous exercise routines impossible. Give water aerobics a try. The water provides resistance pressure while protecting the vulnerable joints, muscles and bones during motions.
Other aerobic exercise choices include:
- Walking briskly or power walking
- Bicycling
- Swimming
Do Regular Stretches & Move About Throughout the Day
If required to sit or stand for long periods of time during your workday, strive to take frequent active stretching breaks (no static stretching) to loosen up muscles and joints while boosting blood circulation in the process.
Consider Taking Up Yoga, Meditation and/or Practicing Mindfulness
Stress may worsen peripheral neuropathy pain and other symptoms and disrupts sleep patterns as well. Practicing mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation and certain types of yoga positions, can decrease stress, promote relaxation and improve mood, sleep and overall health.
Incorporate Balance Training into Exercise Routine
Individuals with chronic peripheral neuropathy often lack strength in their core and lower limbs making them more prone to complications. Patients often develop balance and coordination issues that can be lessened and remedied with balance training that focuses on these body areas.
Make Dietary Changes to Boost Nerve Health & Improve Well-Being
Increase Antioxidants
Antioxidants can assist in fighting substances known as free radicals which can lead to oxidative stress. When this condition is chronic, it may lead to increased peripheral neuropathy discomforts.
Naturally found in foods like grapes, fatty fish, leafy greens, flaxseed oil, nuts and berries, antioxidants work by fighting the inflammation process that can damage nerves. The full metabolic gut reset Apex Chiropractic offers would be a great start as well!
Eat Foods Higher in Fiber
High fiber foods are absorbed by the human body slowly to broaden the glucose rise and fall. They also help keep hunger pangs under control.
Avoid Foods & Beverages High in Sodium or Preservatives
Keep daily sodium levels under 2,300 milligrams and avoid foods containing preservatives and other artificial additives.
Benefits of Capsaicin for Reducing Peripheral Neuropathy Pain
Capsaicin is found in cayenne pepper and hot peppers. It is thought to target chronic inflammation by changing how the body’s nerves interpret pain signals. This ingredient can also be found in topical creams.
Choose Foods Rich in Vitamins & Minerals Recommended for Peripheral Neuropathy
Increase B-Vitamins
- Vitamin B-1 (thiamine) – Eat more red meat, kale, nuts, pork, whole grains, seeds, spinach and beans to boost vitamin B-1 levels needed for healthy nerves.
- Vitamin B-2 (riboflavin) – Add more salmon, almonds, rice, beef, broccoli, Brussel sprouts and eggs to your diet to gain vitamin B-2 benefits.
- Vitamin B-3 (niacin) – Vitamin B-3 is found in legumes, beef, eggs, nuts and leafy greens.
- Vitamin B-5 (pantothenic acid) – Foods rich in Vitamin B-5 include chicken liver, avocados, salmon and portobello mushrooms, but this vitamin is found in most plants and many meats at lower concentrations.
- Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine) – Eat sunflower seeds, carrots, bananas, brown rice, spinach or peaches to get more Vitamin B-6. This also comes in supplement forms.
- Vitamin B-7 (biotin) – Vitamin B-7 is found naturally in egg yolks, pork, chicken, strawberries, cauliflower and yeast.
- Vitamin B-9 (folate) – Found in beans, beets, salmon, dark leafy greens, avocados, dates and organ meats, a B-9 deficiency also harms nerves and their function.
- Vitamin B-12 (cobalamin) – A deficiency in vitamin B-12 can damage the outer protective coating normally found in healthy nerves. It is found in oysters, clams, salmon and organic types of meat.
Vitamin D May Help Nerve Pain
When skin is exposed to natural sunlight, it then creates vitamin D important for good health. Lack of enough vitamin D may trigger painful neuropathy symptoms and can be found in supplements. When you are out in the sun let your body soak up the sun without any sunscreen on for the 1st 20 minutes. That’s right, no sunglasses or sunscreen for the first 20 minutes as they will block out the body’s natural ability to metabolize the sun into Vitamin D.
Vitamin E to Combat Nerve Damage
This vitamin is an antioxidant that will aid in preventing nerve damage that can lead to neuropathy. Its anti-inflammatory effect may also treat tingling and burning sensations common with neuropathy.
Choose Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Fatty fish contain high levels of beneficial Omega-3 fatty acids known to guard against nerve inflammation with its resulting complications.
Alpha-Lipoic Acid May Lessen Diabetic Related Neuropathy Pain
Diabetic-related neuropathy pain that presents as burning sensations may be reduced with alpha-lipoic acid. More studies are needed for other neuropathy use like chemotherapy-related types.
Acetyl-l-Carnitine (ALC) May Ease Chemotherapy Neuropathy Symptoms
Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy may reduce the chances of neuropathy discomforts by using acetyl-1-carnitine or ALC.
Taking Calcium with Magnesium May Alleviate Muscle Cramps with Careful Dosing
Some neuropathies include aggravating muscle cramps. Taking calcium along with magnesium together may help to relieve these cramps. However, dosing is key as too much may result in diarrhea.
Some Studies Indicate N-acetylcysteine May Help Block Pain Causing Enzymes
A study on rats found that N-acetylcysteine likely blocked enzyme action that causes neuropathy pain.
Some studies about the use of glutamine for combating chemotherapy-induced neuropathy are promising.
Herbs That May Help Peripheral Neuropathy Patients
Many medicinal herbs may help peripheral neuropathy.
- Turmeric & Ginger – These two herbs have many uses in health-related care. Both work by stopping inflammation that may result in neuropathy pain. Small amounts are recommended as too much can cause side effects. Ginger also reduces gastrointestinal systems and can be taken in tea.
- Saffron – This popular Indian herb may aid in diabetic neuropathies due to its antioxidant properties. Saffron boosts immunity too.
- St. John’s Wort – Used for a wide variety of medical treatments, St. John’s wort protects nerve health and may aid in nerve healing. Use only with physician approval as it does interact with other medications.
- Lion’s Mane Mushroom – This Chinese mushroom is excellent for better nerve health and provides nerve regenerative properties.
- Gingko Biloba – Provides neuroprotective nutrients essential for nerve health and counteracts nerve-harming oxidative stress effects.
- Sage – Long used for medicinal purposes, sage may also help reduce and/or prevent pain from peripheral neuropathy.
- Valerian Root – This herb naturally helps lower pain and other symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. Valerian root is an ancient treatment for anxiety, back and pain issues, to control spasms or seizures and may promote better sleep and relaxation.
- Holy Basil – This herb’s analgesic properties make it ideal for treating nerve pain.
- Green Tea – Green teas have wonderful antioxidant properties important for better nerve health and function.
- Rosemary – This herb is an anti-inflammatory and contains anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties making it ideal for natural health remedies.
That may sound like a whole lot of ingredients. Apex Chiropractic has one-of-a-kind metabolic neuropathy kits that combine the most important ingredients into 3 proprietary blends to make it easy for you.
More Popular Diabetic Neuropathy Natural Remedies
- Fenugreek
- Flax Seeds
- Jambu Fruit
- Marjoram
- Bitter Melon
- Passionflower
- Cinnamon
Take Warm Baths & Include Aromatherapy into Daily Routine
Essential oils may promote nerve healing, and relaxation and might decrease inflammation. These oils are used in aromatherapy and may also be of use topically for many peripheral neuropathy issues.
Types of Essential Oils Useful for Treating Peripheral Neuropathy
- Evening primrose
- Chamomile
- Lavender
- Peppermint
Consider Alternative Measures for Peripheral Neuropathy
Many peripheral neuropathy patients choose alternative measures for treatment like acupuncture, deep tissue massage and reliable chiropractic care.
There are lots of fantastic natural remedies that can help you manage peripheral neuropathy and help diminish or prevent pain and other related neuropathy symptoms. Even small lifestyle adjustments can improve nerve health and better support your neurological system.
Call Apex Chiropractic located in Louisville, CO. by calling (720) 328-1790 during business hours or visit us online.

Ready to See the Best Chiropractor in Louisville, CO?
Apex Chiropractic believes in thriving through life, not suffering in it. We believe that the activities that we want to partake in do not only desire but are necessary, just as necessary as our daily activities. In order to thrive in life and not suffer, we have to be completely in tune with our bodies. Schedule your appointment with us, today.
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