Until now chiropractic was not able to be researched on a mass level.
The Integrator is the only chiropractic adjusting instrument that was developed out of the randomized clinical trial, blinded and with placebo control. Due to the results of the research, it is also the only chiropractic instrument with FDA approval.
The Integrator automatically discharges when a predetermined contact pressure is reached, allowing for true inter-professional reproducibility.
In other words, you get the exact same high-quality adjustment every time you see a Torque Release chiropractor regardless of who is doing the adjustment. When you get adjusted by hand or any other chiropractic instrument it is not only different every time that chiropractor adjusts you, but way different when you start getting adjusted by other chiropractors. Torque Release provides you the freedom to travel and move around the world and still get the exact same high-quality adjustment you are used to.
The Integrator is unlike other hand held instruments.
The Integrator is the only hand-held instrument with adjustable left and right “TORQUE” capability as well as “RECOIL” and true adjustment of force. What does this “Torque” mean for me? Almost all subluxations in the spine are 3 dimensional. They don’t just move anterior or posterior or left or right. It is usually a combination of a few of them. The torque setting on the Integrator allows your chiropractor to take care of a 3-dimensional misalignment with one single adjustment. So each torque adjustment you get with the Integrator is equal to three adjustments by hand or any other chiropractic instrument.
The Integrator has true force adjustment as well as the choice of three tip sizes, shapes and density characteristics to allow for the chiropractor to adjust children and people of all ages in an extremely safe manner. The Integrator is a legally marketed medical device for the adjustment of the Vertebral Subluxation; only available to licensed Doctors of Chiropractic.
The attributes that make an Integrator adjustment something special and powerful are:
- PRECISE: When using an Integrator you can pinpoint the exact point on the spine that requires adjustment of nerve frequency. Manual adjusting lacks this degree of accuracy.
- SPECIFIC: The force, frequency of energy, torque, speed, and thrust provided by the Integrator have all been tailor-made to deliver the perfect amount of energy to help normalize nerve function. Breakthrough from a mechanistic attempt to facilitate neurological change to a system that ensures tonal change.
- GENTLE: An Integrator adjustment can be delivered with the spine in a perfectly relaxed neutral position with the perfect amount of force: Whereas a traditional adjustment requires the spine to be stretched to a position of tension followed by the manual thrust by hand to sufficiently open the spinal joints to activate a cavitation response.
- FAST: The incredibly fast but shallow impulse is one of the secrets to the effectiveness of this adjustment while being so gentle.
- RECOIL: Another of the secret ingredients built into the Integrator is recoil. This bounce in the impulse increases the body’s response.
- TORQUE: Subatomic particles, atoms, muscles, and human bodies move in three dimensions. The three-dimensional impulse of the Integrator maximizes the effectiveness on the human body.
- EFFECTIVE: The benefits of Integrator adjustments have been measured by scientific research and this research has been published in major peer-reviewed medical journals.
- RELIABLE: The way that the Integrator delivers an adjustment is very consistent and reliable so that the right amount of force and energy is transmitted on each and every adjustment.
- CONSISTENT: The systems that are used in TRT and the features of the Integrator are very standardized which means that several practitioners using the same method can deliver the same results and experience.
- RECOGNIZED: The Integrator holds several patents and is a legally marketed device for the adjustment of the Vertebral Subluxation; only available to licensed Doctors of Chiropractic.The Integrator automatically discharges when a predetermined contact pressure is reached, allowing for true inter-professional reproducibility.
Contact us today to set up your appointment.

Ready to See the Best Chiropractor in Louisville, CO?
Apex Chiropractic believes in thriving through life, not suffering in it. We believe that the activities that we want to partake in do not only desire but are necessary, just as necessary as our daily activities. In order to thrive in life and not suffer, we have to be completely in tune with our bodies. Schedule your appointment with us, today.
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