What sets our Louisville CO Chiropractic approach apart from many other chiropractors near me, is the fact that we leave the guesswork out of it by using the most state-of-the-art technology, our 3 Part NeuroTECH Exam, and newest technique available, Torque Release Technique, to pinpoint the precise areas your bodies symptoms are sourcing from. This means that each and every one of you will be treated as an individual with the chiropractic care we provide and no one will receive the same cookie-cutter approach many other chiropractic offices use.
When searching for a local chiropractor in Superior or Louisville, Colorado it is important to do your research. For example, consider their awards and reviews, as well as the track record of their patient’s success. Apex Chiropractic is one of the few Louisville CO Chiropractors with a 5-star Google rating. Our practice has the most reviews in the 80027 and 80026 area. We are also the first Louisville or Superior CO Chiropractor to win 1st Place in the famous Best of Boulder awards (3 years and counting!). I named my chiropractic office in Louisville “Apex Chiropractic” because our goal is to bring each and every person in this community to the Apex of their health without the use of drugs or surgery.
I started my Louisville Colorado Chiropractic Office after I experienced the first-hand results of how life-changing the Torque Release Technique can be for a variety of mental and physical health conditions like anxiety, depression, sciatica, neck pain, headaches and more! Personally, this type of chiropractic treatment was the first one to alleviate the severe social anxiety disorder I had had for my entire life. As humans, we were meant to THRIVE not merely survive!
I get asked all the time, “Dr. Shane, who is chiropractic for?” My answer: Anyone looking for a better quality of life and truly wants to take care of the only body this world gives us. Whether you are a pregnant mother looking for pregnancy chiropractic care to relieve back pain associated with pregnancy or you are an athlete looking for a sports chiropractor to increase your performance and prevent overuse injuries, the chiropractic care we provide will alleviate pain & discomfort and get your body functioning at its highest level! Our chiropractic office has been featured on major news networks like ABC, NBC, FOX and CBS due to the results we have had in a few of our research studies treating people with traumatic brain injury, addiction treatment, anxiety, ADD and ADHD as well as whiplash from car accidents.
I wouldn’t give up being a chiropractor in Louisville, CO for the world! I love what I do and my team is dedicated to making our local colorado community a healthier place! If you live in the Superior, Louisville, Lafayette, Erie or Boulder area we are just right around the corner and would be honored if you checked our chiropractic office out!
– Dr. Shane Kurth

Ready to See the Best Chiropractor in Louisville, CO?
Apex Chiropractic believes in thriving through life, not suffering in it. We believe that the activities that we want to partake in do not only desire but are necessary, just as necessary as our daily activities. In order to thrive in life and not suffer, we have to be completely in tune with our bodies. Schedule your appointment with us, today.
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