You start developing natural immunity while you are still in your mother’s womb and keep developing it throughout life. Chiropractic is one of the best tools for maximizing your immune system. Many research studies have determined that children with regular chiropractic treatment have fewer doctor’s visits and rarely have to take antibiotics.
In clinical trials monitored by the Rand Corporation and conducted at Life University, chiropractic showed great potential to boost immune function.
Several other preliminary studies have also shown immune system boosting. In 1991 Patricia Brennan, PhD, conducted a study that demonstrated an increased immune function following a thoracic (mid back) adjustment. Dr. Pero stated in his research that “Chiropractic patients in the study had 200 percent greater immune competence than people who had not received chiropractic, and 400 percent greater immune competence than people with cancer or other serious disease.”
The article also notes that chiropractic can also help with secondary symptoms associated with HIV/AIDS.
Secondary symptoms are usually the main reason HIV/AIDS patients seek chiropractic in the first place. According to the article, Craig Martin, DC, notes that eighty percent of HIV/AIDS patients report some degree of neuropathy, which includes symptoms such as numbness, tingling and/or burning, With chiropractic care these patients reported a significant decrease in symptoms. Patrece Frisbee, DC, of Stratogen Health of Miami Beach, a multidisciplinary clinic, reports 80% of her patients are HIV positive, “and they need extensive chiropractic care because of the wide array of side effects that accompany the powerful prescribed medications.”
The article closes with a powerful chiropractic endorsement, concluding, “Chiropractic is an alternative that will work with HIV/AIDS patients.
It has broadened the view of chiropractic as a mind/body therapy. Its role in healthcare is increasing every day. If you aren’t under chiropractic, then you are not allowing your body to perform at 100 percent.”
In another research study, blood was taken from each of the participants 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after the adjustment. The results were compared to 15 other participants who received a placebo adjustment. The immune response from subjects who received the real adjustment was significantly higher than before treatment, and significantly higher than the response from the placebo subjects. Set up a new patient appointment.

Ready to See the Best Chiropractor in Louisville, CO?
Apex Chiropractic believes in thriving through life, not suffering in it. We believe that the activities that we want to partake in do not only desire but are necessary, just as necessary as our daily activities. In order to thrive in life and not suffer, we have to be completely in tune with our bodies. Schedule your appointment with us, today.
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