Pediatric Chiropractor Louisville Colorado
Louisville Colorado Pediatric Chiropractic Care Services by Dr. Shane Kurth
The most common conditions chiropractors help kids with:
- Vision problems
- Skin conditions
- Bed wetting
- Sinus problems
- Stomachaches
- Asthma
- Allergies
- Loss of hearing
- Ear Infections
- Hip, leg or foot pain
- Constipation
- Poor coordination
- Breast feeding difficulties
- Arm, hand or shoulder pain
- Anxiety and nervousness
- Colic
- Scoliosis

Is Pediatric Chiropractic Right For My Kids?
The birth process, even under normal conditions, is frequently the first cause of spinal stress. After the head of the child appears, the physician grabs the baby’s head and twists it around in a figure eight motion, lifting it up to receive the lower shoulder and then down to receive the upper shoulder. This creates significant stress on the spine of the baby.
“Spinal cord and brain stem traumas often occur during the process of birth but frequently escape diagnosis. Infants often experience lasting neurological defects. Spinal trauma at birth is essentially attributed to longitudinal traction, especially when this force is combined with flexion and torsion of the spinal axis during delivery.” ~Abraham Towbin, MD
Growth patterns suggest the potential for neurological disorders is most critical from birth to two years of age, as this time is the most dynamic and important phase of postnatal brain development. Over sixty percent of all neurological development occurs after birth in the child’s first year of life. This is why it is so important to bring your child to a local pediatric chiropractor to have them checked and for your child to get a chiropractic adjustment during the first year of their life. Lee Hadley MD states “Subluxation alone is a rational reason for Pediatric Chiropractic care throughout a lifetime from birth.”
As our children continue to grow, the daily stresses can have a negative impact on an ever growing body. During the first few years of life, an infant often falls while learning to walk or can fall while tumbling off a bed or other piece of furniture. Even the seemingly innocent act of playfully tossing babies up in the air and catching them often results in a whiplash-like trauma to the spine, making it essential to get your baby checked by a pediatric chiropractor every stage of his/her development as minor injuries can present as major health concerns down the road if gone uncorrected. See our Pediatric Chiropractic FAQs for more details!
Apex Chiropractic is a Pediatric Chiropractor in Louisville Colorado.
Apex Chiropractic offers the best rated pediatric chiropractic care in Louisville Colorado. Our pediatric chiropractic office is just a short drive from all parts of Broomfield, North Denver, Westminster, Lafayette, Erie, South Longmont and Boulder County, Colorado.
Frequently Asked Questions
“Chiropractic care for my child? Why??? Her back doesn’t bother her.” Many parents appreciate the importance of regular checkups at the dentist, vision doctor, and pediatrician but tend to draw a blank when it comes to a chiropractic checkup. A pediatric chiropractic checkup could be one of the most important checkups your children will ever have!
The spine and structural system protect billions, YES BILLIONS, of nerves and neurons that send messages and energy to every part of their bodies. If there is a blockage of any of the nerves in the body, then a state of “dis-ease” can develop. Dis-ease is a state of disharmony in the body that can lead to poor immune systems, lowered resistance to bacteria and viruses, and organ malfunction (asthma, colic, allergies, bed-wetting. Constipation, etc..). Dr. Shane, our pediatric chiropractor in Louisville, CO is trained to locate and correct any of these blockages without any cracking or popping by using the Torque Release Technique.
Yes, chiropractors treat children and people of all ages. About 30% of our chiropractic office is pediatrics. Dr. Shane, provides pediatric chiropractic care in Louisville, CO and is trained in a special technique called Torque Release Technique, which involves no cracking or popping and has no bad side effects to worry about. 100% safe for newborns and kids!
Yes and here’s why. A simple checkup now can make a BIG difference to your child’s health forever! You do so many things to ensure your baby’s health. During pregnancy you eat right, you avoid cigarettes, alcohol and all drugs (vaccinations, aspirin, cold, flu and other over-the-counter medications can damage your unborn child or cause problems in pregnancy). After the baby arrives, you (HOPEFULLY) breastfeed knowing that it is the superior form of nutrition for your baby’s physical, intellectual and emotional health. In short, you do everything you can to make sure your newborn is healthy!
BUT have you had your baby’s spine checked? How do you know if your baby’s spine is healthy? Unless your baby starred in the movie “Look Whos Talking” they sure as heck aren’t going to say anything. An unhealthy spine can affect your baby’s health for their entire life. Your local pediatric chiropractor, Apex Chiropractic, is specially trained to check your child’s spine for problematic areas causing miscommunication in their body.
No, absolutely not! This question can get thrown around and answered by many people that do not have the appropriate knowledge or education to properly answer it. Ex. Your husband or your mom “heard some crazy story” or your friend “doesn’t believe in it”. For starters, chiropractors would not go a quarter-million dollars in debt and do the same amount of school that medical doctors do if this was BS (excuse my french).
Also if your pediatrician or medical doctor says your baby or child should not get pediatric chiropractic adjustments please tell them to call Dr. Shane IMMEDIATELY and explain themselves. Our children deserve to be treated naturally, not with dangerous chemical drugs and unproven surgeries. Give you baby the best possible chance to have a healthy life. You have your baby’s eyes checked, heart checked, hearing checked – please bring your children in for a chiropractic exam. A simple checkup now might make a BIG difference for your children for the rest of their lives!
Let’s just start with this awesome testimonial from our Louisville, Colorado location. “Sam was having difficulty sleeping through the night since birth. After just one month he is sleeping a solid 10 hours without waking up! The torque release technique adjustments do wonders! I am so glad I found a great chiropractor near me!”.
Research is pointing more and more back toward lack of sleep is responsible for pediatric disorders such as attention deficit (ADD), hyperactivity (ADHD), mood disturbances, and memory problems. As kids get chiropractic adjustments it relieves the abnormal physical and emotional stress that can build up in the body. Yes, yes, it works the same for adults! When was the last time you slept well when you were stressed out? One of the first things our patients tell us after getting under Torque Release chiropractic care is how much their sleep quality improves.
Acid reflux in babies is also usually associated with a slight arching of the baby’s back. Generally speaking, this is usually caused by spinal misalignment (subluxation) due to birth trauma. The good news is that Pediatric chiropractic care can usually fix reflux with just a few visits. The better news is that it gives your newborn the chance to feel better without the use of any medications!
No one is ever too old or too young to get a chiropractic adjustment. Dr. Shane has adjusted babies that are just hours old! The soonest you can get your baby to a chiropractor to get checked after they are born the better.
The birth process, whether it was a nice easy birth or a very traumatic one, is very harsh on that delicate baby. Possibly the most traumatic event they will ever go through in their entire life!
Six important times in a baby’s first year of life when pediatric chiropractic care is most important:
- After the birth process.
- When the baby starts to hold his/her head up.
- When the baby sits up.
- When the baby starts to crawl.
- When the baby starts to stand.
- When the baby starts to walk.
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