Living With Neuropathy and What You Can Do About It

Living with neuropathy can sometimes feel hopeless, wondering if you’ll ever relieve the…

Peripheral Neuropathy – Symptoms, Types and Causes

Peripheral neuropathy affects millions of people across the United States, and many don’t…

How Chiropractic Care Can Treat A Traumatic Brain Injury

The nature of the brain makes traumatic brain injuries notoriously difficult to treat…

How Chiropractic Care Helps With Sports Recovery

Athletes of all ages and types want to reduce their recovery time so that they can enjoy…

5 Ways Chiropractic Accelerates Healing After Accident

It's near impossible for accident victims to escape neck and back injuries when they are…

3 Ways Chiropractors Treat Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is a very serious nerve condition that affects muscle function,…

Spinal Decompression Can Help With Pain Issues

They is no joy when you find yourself having to deal with chronic back pain issues…

3-Part NeuroTech Exam Leads to Right Diagnosis

When you come to our treatment facility for treatment, you'll be relying on us to create…

5 Signs You Have Peripheral Neuropathy

There are plenty of ways that the peripheral nerves in your body can sustain damage. If…

3 Reasons to Choose Chiropractic Care for Thyroid Conditions

Thyroid conditions can cause a multitude of health issues. What you might not realize is…

7 Benefits to Seeing a Chiropractor for Knee Pain Treatment

If you are dealing with pain issues related to a knee problem, you always have the option…

5 Ways a Chiropractor Can Help Heal Leaky Gut

The practical uses of chiropractic care go far beyond dealing with pain issues related to…

3 Treatment Options for Neck Pain After a Car Accident

If neck pain has become an issue ever since your involvement in a car accident, you need…

The 5 Most Common Neck Injuries From a Car Accident

Upon impact during a car accident, the human head can get thrown about quickly and in…

Specialty Treatment Programs Information

Our specialty treatment programs are unique to the individual. Please contact our office…

A Note From Our Founder — Dr. Shane Kurth, Your Louisville Chiropractor

Being a Chiropractor in Louisville, Colorado means so much more than providing treatment…

7 Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment After a Car Accident

After surviving a serious car accident, you have a responsibility to look after your…

How Often Should You Go To the Chiropractor After a Car Accident?

The best way to ensure that you get the maximum benefit of chiropractic treatments after…

3 Good Reasons to go to a Local Chiropractor After a Car Accident

After an auto accident, people will typically go see a medical professional for a…

3 Benefits of Chiropractic Care Following a Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injuries can range from mildly interfering to debilitating. Chiropractic…

Top 5 Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can affect everything from how you feel about life to how your body…

7 Ways a Sports Chiropractor Can Help with an Injury

Injuries present a challenge, both interrupting daily life and taking time to heal.…

Top 5 Benefits for a Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna

Take the benefits of a traditional sauna to extremes with a full-spectrum infrared sauna…

7 Reasons to Get a Deep Tissue Massage

Did you know that deep tissue massage provides both physical and psychological benefits?…

3 Issues a Chiropractor Treats After an Auto Accident

After an auto accident, chiropractic care helps restore range of motion, reduces pain and…

5 Reasons to Use a Chiropractor for Stress and Anxiety

Chiropractic care for stress and anxiety can reduce the symptoms of these illnesses and…

5 Ways a Chiropractor Treats Whiplash After a Car Accident

Whiplash certainly is a pain in the neck but with the comforting hands and therapeutic…

3 Benefits of Pediatric Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is not reserved only for adults. Pediatric chiropractic care in…

Top 3 Injuries A Sports Chiropractor Can Help

Athletes who experience the three common sports injuries on this list can get intense…

5 Benefits of Visiting a Sports Chiropractor

Athletes experience aches, pains, and injuries more commonly than the average person.…

What is the Difference Between a Traditional Chiropractor and Sports Chiropractor?

Athletes are prone to injury. Their physical activity level and advancements movements…

Can I Pay for Chiropractic Care Using Workers Comp?

If you are injured at your workplace and want the therapeutic care offered by a…

The Ultimate Peripheral Neuropathy Guide

Peripheral neuropathy has many causes and is associated with diverse symptoms. Seeking…